A formulation is given to derive an effective interaction in the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. A unitary transformation is introduced to describe two-body correlations and is determined from the condition that the effective interaction should be decoupled between the low- and high-momentum spaces. A unitary transformation of the Hamiltonian is made and the transformed Hamiltonian is represented in a cluster-expansion form. The effective interaction thus defined is E independent and Hermitian. The contributions of one-, two-, and three-body-cluster terms are taken into consideration. The self-consistent single-particle potential is considered sym- metrically for both occupied (hole) and unoccupied (particle) states. The theory is applied to the calculation of the ground-state properties of $^{16}\mathrm{O}$ using three potentials, namely, the Paris, Reid soft-core, and supersoft-core potentials. A large gain in the binding energy is obtained. Final results for the gound-state energy and the charge radius are as follows: -119.2 MeV and 2.62 fm for the Paris, -115.1 MeV and 2.60 fm for the Reid soft core, and -121.7 MeV and 2.62 fm for the supersoft core. The single-particle energies of the occupied orbits are also calculated. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental energies is obtained. In particular, a large spin-orbit splitting of the 0p orbits is reproduced with the results 5.6 MeV for the Paris, 5.1 MeV for the Reid soft core, and 5.4 MeV for the supersoft core, which should be compared with the experimental value 6.1 MeV.
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