Aluminium monoxide (AlO) is widely known for its astrophysical significance. An analysis of the prominent lines of the (2,3;3,2;3,4;4,5;4,3;5,6;6,7) bands of the B2Σ+−X2Σ+ transition with those of sunspot umbral spectral lines suggests that the AlO molecule appears to be a non-negligible component of sunspot umbrae. Results of a recent (2008) rotational analysis were used to carry out the study. The effective rotational temperature determined for the above lines in the sunspot umbral spectrum is found to be of the order of 2900 K. The radiative-transition parameters that include Franck–Condon (FC) factors, r-centroids, electronic-transition moment, Einstein coefficient, absorption–band oscillator strength, and radiative lifetime have been estimated for the experimentally known vibrational levels using the Rydberg–Klein–Rees (RKR) potential.
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