An investigation was made to test the adaptability of twenty two hybrids along with four check hybrids for seedyield/plot(g), head diameter (cm) and hundred seed weight (g) over six environments. Environmental variances were significant for all the characterssuggesting the presence of genetic variability among genotypes over environments. The G x E (linear) were non-significant for all the characters under studied when tested against pooled deviation, indicates unpredictable performance of genotypes over the environments. The environment indicesrevealed that E2 was the most favourable environment for seed yield/plot (g), head diameter and 100-seed weight. For the stability parameter, none of the hybrid was ideal with an average adaptability for all the traits. The hybrid SVSH-473 had bi value nearer to unity (b=1), non-significant value of S2di and higher mean than the population mean indicating average stability and suitable for all environments. Based on the mean performance for head diameter the hybrid, SVSH-467 and for 100-seed weight the hybrid, SVSH-458 showed stable performance.