Abstract Trace minerals have a pivotal role in maintaining skin health and haircoat characteristics in companion animals. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of inorganic versus amino acid complexed sources of trace minerals on feline skin and haircoat characteristics as well as hair growth. A total of 40 cats (age 5 – 12 years; 22 female, 18 male) were used in this 105-d (15-d acclimation; 90-d test period) trial at Summit Ridge Farms (Susquehanna, PA) from January to April 2022. All cats were fed a basal diet that contained sulfate sources of trace minerals formulated to meet AAFCO (2021) recommendations for 15 d before being randomly assigned (blocked by haircoat color, age, sex, and weight) to 1 of 2 treatments. Dietary treatments included sulfate sources (CON; n = 20) and amino acid complexed (Zinpro ProPath, Zinpro Corp. Eden Prairie, MN) sources (ZPM; n = 20) of supplemental trace minerals. Both treatments were formulated to provide equal amounts of supplemental trace minerals (DM basis), differing only in source (100 ppm Zn, 15 ppm Mn, 12 ppm Cu, 80 ppm Fe). On d 15, a side patch was shaved just below the back (3” x 4”) to evaluate hair growth on d 60 and 105 (average of 3 measurements). Additionally, visual haircoat evaluations and shed hair amount were evaluated at d 60 and 105. All research personnel were blinded to treatments. Statistical analyses were completed using GLIMMIX procedure of SAS 9.4 with d 15 as a covariate and cat as the experimental unit. Trace mineral source did not affect body condition score at either time point. There was no treatment or treatment x day interaction for hair length. A trend (p = 0.13) for a 3-way interaction between treatment, sex, and day was detected due to male cats having longer hair at d 105. Shed hair was evaluated by brushing (20 strokes) and weighing collected hair. No overall treatment effect was detected for shed hair; although, a treatment x day interaction (P = 0.02) for shed hair was observed. At d 60, ZPM cats had 23 mg less shed hair compared with CON cats (P = 0.08). Haircoat scores for shine, scale, and overall quality were assessed by a veterinarian. There were no treatment or treatment x day interactions for shine or overall scores. A treatment x day interaction was detected (P = 0.02) for scale (dander). At d 60, ZPM cats had a reduced average scale score compared with CON cats (0.66 vs 1.05, respectively; P = 0.03). Overall, our data suggests trace mineral source may influence shed hair amount and dander production in cats. Further research to evaluate the influence of season and sex is warranted.
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