In the path integral formulation of causal set quantum gravity, the quantum partition function is a phase-weighted sum over locally finite partially ordered sets, which are viewed as discrete quantum spacetimes. It is known, however, that the number of ‘layered’ sets—a class of causal sets that look nothing like spacetime manifolds—grows superexponentially with the cardinality n, giving an entropic contribution that can potentially dominate that of the action. We show here that in any dimension, the discrete Einstein–Hilbert action for a typical K-layered causal set reduces to the simple link action to leading order in n. Combined with earlier work, this completes the proof that the layered sets, although entropically dominant, are very strongly suppressed in the path sum of causal set quantum gravity whenever the discreteness scale is greater than or equal to a (mildly dimension-dependent) order one multiple of the Planck scale.
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