INTRODUCTION:The global knowledge world of the 21st century requires rethinking about economy, politics, social facts, technology and increasing importance for information besides rethinking ecology and discussing it as a part of tendency in globalisation. Environmental issues have become a subject which is widely discussed and waiting for solution towards the concern of whole humanity. The individuals develop awareness and take precautions towards this subject is considered as an important step in solving problems. From this point of view, among individuals, especially youth, the subjects about creating environmental awareness and constructing consciousness of protecting environment have also been researched in academic studie s (Tunc, Omur, & Duren, 2012).Individual behaviours related to environment have been influenced by people's attitude and belief. At the same time, the way of discussing about environmental issues is also seen as a moral issue. The individuals who have environmental awareness and who worry about the self -effects of the environmental issues are supposed to behave with a care towards environment in every activity while leading their lives. Yet the behaviour of individuals towards the environment is the reflections of their environmental sensitiveness (Gadenne, Kennedy, & McKeiver, 2009).Environmental consciousness is the sum of behaviours that transfers ideas to the life which include environmental decisions, principles, comments and sum of emotions related to these behaviours (Turk, 2011). Education programs have primary importance in ra ising awareness about environment. Environmental education is the process of improving attitude to protect nature, value judgement, knowledge, skill and showing environmental -friendly behaviours and observing its results (Ozpinar, 2010). Preserving natural resources, developing a common sense for environmental issues and constructing a clean and healthy future can be provided by giving necessary importance to education (Firat, Kiraz, & Sepetcioglu, 2012). Kiziroglu (2009) has come to a conclusion as below a bout environmental education:* Environmental education shapes the ecologic behaviour patterns of individuals.* Environmental education includes the relationship of behaviours with natural, social and artificial environment which is demanded at schools and universities.* Environmental education helps students to gain the necessary ability for solving problems at school, enables them to take part in political life* Environmental education should be provided in interdisciplinary level* Environmental education should be shaped in accordance with students, families, mass media, non-government organisations, school management and teachersIn Our Social Environment' lesson which is taught to 4 th and 5th grade students at Northern Cyprus education system, the environm ent subject is appropriate for this age group takes place and this lesson is supported as well as reinforced with activities (Science -Nature Activity). Formerly, there used to be the Environment, Nature and Traffic' lesson for primary school children in 1 st, 2nd and 3rd classes but later, this lesson was removed from the curriculum. At present, the environmental subjects are placed in the related units convolutedly within life science subject. In the 4 th and 5th grades, environmental topics take part in the Social Studies lesson within the name of Technology and Environment' where the advantages and disadvantages of technology are discussed (Yetkin & Dascan, 2010).As per the curriculum laid by General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), the enviro nmental topics are placed under Foundation Science to GCSE (for 6 -7th), Science and Geography (for 6 th grade), Science (for 7-8th grade), Geography, Biology and Chemistry (for 9 -10-11-12th grade) lessons (Firat, Kiraz, & Gunduz, 2011).At the level of bachelor degree, the lessons within environmental theme haven't taken commensurate place. …
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