Flowers are reproductive organs that convert photosynthetic assimilates into seeds when flowers are developed the yield of the tuber decreases. So, it’s prerequisite to pluck the flowers to increase the tuber yield [1] as well as its needs to find out suitable planting date for cultivation of yam bean in Konkan region. Therefore, an experiment on “Study the effect of planting dates and reproductive pruning on yield attributes of Yam bean (Pachyrrhizus erosus L.)” was conducted at Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Dapoli, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli during Kharif season of year 2023-24. Two factors were studied during the investigation using factorial randomized block design (p= .05) viz. Planting dates (D) i.e., D₁-1st week of June, D₂-3rd week of June, D3 -1st week of July, D4 -3rd week of July and Interval of reproductive pruning (P) i.e., P1 – Weekly, P2 – Fortnightly, P3 – No pruning. The results showed that weekly reproductive pruning (P1) with planting date 3rd week of June (D2) gave best effect and significantly affect the yield per plant (642.03 g), average weight of tuber (407.70 g),yield per hectare (12.90 t ha-1) and length and diameter of tuber (21.50 cm and 17.53 cm) respectively.
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