Waterways are usually designed as multipurpose structures and perform a number of functions in addition to transport. A very common use is the generation of electricity in hydropower plants, water withdrawal for users and flood protection. On canalized rivers, increased attention must be paid to the design of the layout of the individual structures within the barrage. This paper deals with the optimization of barrage layout with respect to the interaction of navigation and hydropower use of the waterway. The navigation conditions below a power plant can be significantly affected by peak operation or by sudden load rejection. These phenomena can generate a negative surge wave with very adverse effects on navigation. In addition, special attention should be paid to the current conditions in the lower lock approach area and the guard wall that separates the lock approach from the weir and the power plant should be optimised. Appropriate design of operational and structural measures can significantly increase the traffic capacity of a waterway. The research was conducted as part of project no. DG18P02OVV004 within a support programme for applied research and experimental development of national and cultural identity, funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
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