As firearms are frequently used in suicide attempts, there is wide recognition of this potential danger with restrictions and barriers present in many jurisdictions to limit the purchase and possession of firearms. However since nail guns were introduced in the 1950s, nail gun discharge (NGD) injuries have been an increasing phenomenon due to more widespread availability and ease of use without restrictions on possession. Although existing literature has described suicide attempts by NGD to single body sites, reports of injuries to multiple body sites are rarer. In this case report, we present the case of a patient who survived multiple, severe, self-inflicted penetrating wounds secondary to a suicide attempt by NGD. Through this case report, we aim to identify future opportunities to tailor aspects of risk assessment for patients who may have occupational access to tools such as nail guns, as this should be a consideration when screening for risk and safety planning. [ Psychiatr Ann . 2023;53(11):525–527.]