AbstractHere, we explore how differences in morphologic heterogeneity due to logjams and secondary channels drive transient storage across discharge in two stream reaches within the Front Range of Colorado, USA. During three tracer tests conducted from baseflow to near‐peak snowmelt, we collected instream fluid conductivity measurements and conducted electrical resistivity surveys to characterize tracer movement in the surface and subsurface of the stream system. The reach with two logjams and an intermittent secondary channel exhibited greater heterogeneity in surface transient storage, driving heterogeneity in hyporheic exchange flows, compared to the reach with a single logjam and a perennial secondary channel. As discharge increased, (a) backwater pools created by logjams increased in size in both systems, (b) channel complexity increased as logjams forced flow into secondary channels, and (c) subsurface flowpath distribution increased. Various transient storage indices provide some insight on solute retention but compressing data from this system into simple values was unintuitive given the noise in breakthrough‐curve tails and secondary peaks in concentration. While subsurface exchange increases with discharge in both reaches, retention may not. Flushing of subsurface tracers is highest at medium discharge as interpreted from the electrical resistivity inversions in both reaches, perhaps because of a tradeoff between the increasing extent of subsurface flowpaths with discharge and larger pressure gradients for driving flow. This work is one of the first to explore controls on exchange and retention in stream systems with multiple logjams and evolving channel planform using geophysical data to constrain the subsurface movement of solutes.
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