Oxygen vacancies (Ov) in metal oxides play a crucial role in modifying the electronic and acidic properties of catalysts, thereby influencing their catalytic activity. This study explores the impact of Ov in MnOx catalysts on their acidic and catalytic properties for the Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley reduction of levulinic acid (LA) and levulinate to γ-valerolactone (GVL). Various characterization techniques demonstrate that surface Ov significantly modulate the acidic properties of MnOx catalysts, positively correlating with Lewis/Brønsted acid ratio and GVL yield. In situ DRIFTS and DFT calculations further unveil the reaction mechanism, revealing that Ov facilitate the activation and dehydrogenation of isopropanol and subsequent hydrogen transfer and hydrogenation of LA, leading to enhanced GVL production. These insights underscore the pivotal role of Ov in MnOx catalysts for the efficient conversion of LA to GVL, highlighting their importance in improving catalytic performance.
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