Целью исследования является выявление численности уроженцев Дагестанской АССР, сражавшихся в составе воинских формирований Красной армии в ходе обороны Севастополя (30 октября 1941 г. – 4 июля 1942 г.), а также боевых и части небоевых потерь среди них. Основным источником при этом стали исследования сотрудников Музейного историко-мемориального комплекса «35-я береговая батарея», создавших базу данных, включающую сведения обо всех защитниках города-героя. Произведен анализ данных о потерях среди дагестанских военнослужащих из 25-й, 345-й, 388-й стрелковых дивизий и 8-й бригады морской пехоты по каждому из трех штурмов Севастополя. Впервые выявлена полная численность защитников Севастополя из Дагестана. Установлено, что при отражении первого штурма безвозвратные боевые потери (погибшие и пропавшие без вести) среди них составили 35,8 %, в ходе второго штурма и последующих боев – 34,5 %, в итоге третьего штурма – 29,7 % от числа всех уроженцев республики, принимавших участие в боях. The aim of the study is to identify the irretrievable combat and part of non-combat losses among the natives of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic who fought as part of the military formations of the Red Army during the defense of Sevastopol (30 October 1941 – 3 July 1942). The main source for the work was the research of the employees of the 35th Coastal Battery Museum Historical and Memorial Complex, who created a database that includes information about all the defenders of the hero city. Of paramount importance in this study are the statistical methods that were used in the calculations; when comparing various data, a comparative-historical method was used; the connection between the magnitude of losses and the course of hostilities was established thanks to the historical-genetic method. In the previous literature, the traditional point of view is spread that the Dagestanis participated in the defense of the city only as part of the 345th Rifle Division. This study also analyzes data on casualties among military personnel from Dagestan for the 25th and 388th Infantry Divisions and the 8th Marine Brigade for each of the three assaults on Sevastopol. The number of dead, missing, surrendered and captured Dagestanis, as well as military personnel sentenced to capital punishment, was determined. For the first time, the full number of Dagestani defenders of Sevastopol was revealed. The difference in combat losses of various units is explained. The author has established that the representatives of Dagestan took an active part in the heroic defense of Sevastopol from the first to the last day. The geography of their native places covers the whole Dagestan, including the most remote villages. During the reflection of the first assault, irretrievable combat losses (dead and missing) among the Dagestanis amounted to 35.8%; during the second assault and subsequent battles to 34.5%; following the results of the third assault to 29.7% of all the natives of the republic who took part in the battles . For the entire period of the defense of the city, 144 natives of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic perished in battles, 154 went missing; 184 were taken prisoner, 60 of them died in captivity, 3 served with the enemy, 66 subsequently returned to their homeland, the fate of 55 people is unknown. It is possible that some of these people preferred emigration to returning to their homeland. Capital punishment was applied to 12 servicemen. The author also determined places in the vicinity of Sevastopol where Dagestanis fought during the defense of the city.
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