The study explored the influence of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching on students’ achievement, retention and attitude towards mathematics in secondary schools in Nigeria. The study was guided by three research questions and hypotheses. The study employed correlational survey research design. The population of the study comprised 3.5 million secondary school students and 100,000 mathematics teachers from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria.The sample size for the study consisted of 500 secondary school students and 100 mathematics teachers, selected proportionally from each geopolitical zone.The primary research instrument for this study was a structured questionnaire designed to collect data on teachers’ MKT and students’ achievement, retention, and attitude towards mathematics. The content and construct validity of the instrument was established. The instrument had a reliability value of 0.76 determined using Cronbach alpha. Data obtained with the aid of the instrument were analysed using coefficient of determination and Pearson correlation. The results revealed significant positive relationship between the components of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) and students’ achievement, retention and attitude towards mathematics. The study concluded that teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT)—which encompasses subject matter content knowledge (SMCK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), knowledge of learners’ learning difficulties (KLD), and understanding of learners’ misconceptions (ULM)—plays a significant role in shaping students’ achievement, retention, and attitude towards mathematics. It was recommended among others that school administrators should provide regular, targeted training programs to improve teachers’ subject matter content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and ability to address students’ misconceptions, thereby enhancing student achievement, retention, and attitudes towards mathematics.
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