After examination of ovarian and tubal function 246 women underwent 1238 AIH in 847 menstrual cycles. During the treatment period 74 patients became pregnant once or several times; altogether 99 pregnancies were observed. Whereas only 22 pregnancies occurred in cycles with AIH, the other 77 occurred in cycles without AIH. The ratio of pregnancies after AIH and those occurring without insemination decreases in relation to the degree of deterioration of the semen quality. With normal semen the ratio of pregnancies with AIH and those without AIH was 1:2.5. With semen of grade I this ratio became 1:4 and with grade II 1:10. On the basis of these results the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) with more or less normal semen quality and disturbance of the cervical mucus penetration AIH appeared to be reasonable; (2) with severe or even moderate subfertile semen findings AIH is not indicated; (3) an indication for AIH is the impossibility of cohabitation or ejaculation.