Patterns are presented that are reflections of well-known computer structures, and the procedures used to obtain these patterns are described The basic program, organized around a stack, is shown to be simple, allowing many patterns to be generated, only a few of which have been given here. A casual glance at the patterns illustrating this article, and a thought devoted to its title, will be enough to give readers with some knowledge of computing techniques a fair idea of the principles on which the production of the patterns was based. These principles are, in fact, so elementary that it is very surprising such patterns have not previously been published. I must therefore at the outset offer an apology in case I have overlooked earlier papers during my literature search. I did, however, find one reference to the basic procedure in The Sense of Order (1). There Gombrich offers the beginning of a simple recursive pattern as an illustration of the 'filling-in' procedure in decorative art. He then elaborates on the incentive-the 'horror vacui'-that spurs the decorator to fill in any void in his design. Speaking for myself, I must admit that I could not detect any personal 'fear of the void' while I was planning the computer programs for producing the patterns, nor when I was watching them being drawn by the machine. Rather, if at those moments I experienced any urge to fill in the voids in the plotter paper or on the graphics screen, this feeling was closer to the 'amor infiniti' suggested by Gombrich, than to any fear. The recursive patterns I am presenting here also display a tendency to fill the space in which they develop. The computer program achieves this effect by closing the gaps between lines as the density of lines grows. However, between certain lines the gaps always remain wider than elsewhere. These particular gaps gain significance with increasing density: at lower levels of density the attention is drawn to the lines rather than the gaps, but as density increases, attention is diverted to the gaps in the pattern, which becomes increasingly fractured. Finally, the pattern of lines dissolves itself into a texture, broken only by the pattern, the significant parts of which are now the voids. Computers, automatic drafting machines and graphic screens were the only tools used to generate these patterns. In one sense, they were 'created' by a computer program and, subject to previous claims, 'discovered' by the author. As I do not think that they should be classified as 'Computer Art', I asked the editors of Leonardo to publish this article as 'Computer Graphics'. Most of the specimens that could appropriately be classified as Computer Art are currently produced in either of two modes: by an artist conversing with a computer via a graphics screen, the computer being in this case the tool used in a deliberate composition; and random processes, introduced as a kind of substitute for an artist's intuition, producing a variety of specimens, which the artist later evaluates aesthetically. In my case the program is operated in 'batch' mode, which is not conversational, and no randomness is involved. The program reads a few parameters, such as the depth of subdivision, the choice of colours, etc., and then produces the patterns without