Natural visual experience involves a continuous series of related images while the subject is immobile. How does the cortico-hippocampal circuit process a visual episode? The hippocampus is crucial for episodic memory, but most rodent single unit studies require spatial exploration or active engagement. Hence, we investigated neural responses to a silent movie (Allen Brain Observatory) in head-fixed mice without any task or locomotion demands, or rewards. Surprisingly, a third (33%, 3379/10263) of hippocampal -dentate gyrus, CA3, CA1 and subiculum- neurons showed movie-selectivity, with elevated firing in specific movie sub-segments, termed movie-fields, similar to the vast majority of thalamo-cortical (LGN, V1, AM-PM) neurons (97%, 6554/6785). Movie-tuning remained intact in immobile or spontaneously running mice. Visual neurons had >5 movie-fields per cell, but only ~2 in hippocampus. The movie-field durations in all brain regions spanned an unprecedented 1000-fold range: from 0.02s to 20s, termed mega-scale coding. Yet, the total duration of all the movie-fields of a cell was comparable across neurons and brain regions. The hippocampal responses thus showed greater continuous-sequence encoding than visual areas, as evidenced by fewer and broader movie-fields than in visual areas. Consistently, repeated presentation of the movie images in a fixed, but scrambled sequence virtually abolished hippocampal but not visual-cortical selectivity. The preference for continuous, compared to scrambled sequence was eight-fold greater in hippocampal than visual areas, further supporting episodic-sequence encoding. Movies could thus provide a unified way to probe neural mechanisms of episodic information processing and memory, even in immobile subjects, across brain regions, and species.
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