The study is a descriptive study since it aims to present an existing situation. Case study, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used in the study to collect data. “Embedded single-case design” was used as a case study design in the study. There may be more than one sub strata or unit in a single case in embedded single-case design. The present study addresses the bureaucratic structure and functioning at schools. Criterion sampling and maximum variation sampling, methods of purposive sampling, were used in the identification of the study sample. The criterion was defined as working at the school as a principal for at least for five years on the permanent staff. This criterion was determined based on the thought that experienced principals would have increased awareness, knowledge and skills regarding the bureaucratic procedures at schools. A study group composed of a total of 18 school principals from each school type (pre-school (4), primary (4), secondary school (3), general high school (3) and vocational high school (4)) was formed in order to provide maximum variety in the study. Based on study findings, in terms of bureaucracy, educational institutions have unique characteristics such as harsh hierarchical structure, immense paperwork, strict rules, slow pace of procedures, workload, slow pace of procedures, quality of personnel and difficulty of assessment. Bureaucracy is experienced at school in the following areas: student affairs, personnel services, educational services, management affairs and financial affairs. Keywords: school, bureaucracy, school principal