Numero 118 Enero - Abril 2007 ISSN 0041 8633 LOS SISTEMAS JURIDICOS INDIGENAS FRENTE AL DERECHO ESTATAL EN MEXICO. UNA DEFENSA DEL PLURALISMO JURIDICO Orlando ARAGON ANDRADE * In this study, the author reflects on the necessity to modify the structures and relations of power that prevail in Mexico, and explains that the recognition of indigenous legal systems in equal terms with respect to the national legal system and the existence, by consequence, of a true legal pluralism, would satisfy one of the most important demands of indigenous peoples. In his opinion, the struggles of indigenous peoples have the purpose of transforming the model of the Nation-State that has marginalized and excluded them, but also can be seen as a tool that could contribute to produce a more democratic and just life to the Mexican society at large. Descriptors: indigenous peoples, pluralism, multiculturalism. * Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, * Nota: Debido que la traduccion es automatica podra ser inexacta o contener errores.
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