Nowadays, if you want to have a successful business you must be present or reached on Internet. This can be achieved in many ways; one of them is to have a presentation website. For any business the objective of this site is to become known by the prospective clients and to obtain an extended virtual media exposure. In this paper we will present the design and implementation model for a presentation website, specific to the above-mentioned field. Veterinary medicine has continued to evolve and adapt to new tecnologies in the same way the human medicine did. In this paper we will elaborate a theoretical prototype of a presentation website for a virtual veterinary office. The goal of the virtual office website is to attract as much patients as possible, so it can be viewed as a marketing tool. Theoretical prototype for the presentation website of a veterinary office. The first step in the process of designing and implementing a website is to collect information from the business manager, about what he consider useful to present on it. Based on this information, one can decide the website structure. In our case, we decided that 4 web pages are needed for the website and every page will include a vertical menu containing links to the other pages of the site. The main page that will appear in the web browser will contain the name, the logo and other representative pictures of the veterinary office, the physician names, a banner. The Contact page will include all the functions needed for an asyncronous communication betweeb the office staff and the patients. The Scheduling page will contain along with the vertical menu, the name of every physician and his specialisation field, their timetable and phone number for scheduling. The Medical Suggestions page will contain general information and advices about raising, care, nutrition, and frequent diseases for pets. We are considering that since the virtual environment is part of the everyday life, it is important that every business makes its presence felt on Internet. Starting from this idea, we are proposing a theoretical prototype of a presentation site for a veterinary office. In the future researches we will try to put into practice this prototype and improve it.
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