The roof of Dalian Gymnasium, of span 145.4 m ∞ 116 m, rise span ratio 1/10, truss height 2.4 m and strut height 10.0 m, is the largest suspended dome structure in Asia. Different tension schemes have an important effect on the performance of a structure. It is necessary to investigate the characteristics and feasibility of different tension schemes. In addition, to check the accuracy of the numerical model and its calculated results and to investigate the mechanical performance when subjected to construction and design loads, as well as safety considerations during construction and when in service, a scale model of the suspended dome with scaling factor 1:10 was constructed and models of some key joints at full scale. The results show that the theoretical strut internal forces and displacements of joints, are in good agreement with test results. Therefore, tension steps in the cable can be controlled by internal forces in the struts. The lifting of struts is a continuous process of adjustment. The size of the cable needed to be accurate during the test, which indicates that the controllability of this method is relatively difficult. However, when tensioning diagonal cables, the diagonal cable force can be an effective control because these is a sufficient number of controllable tension points and a relatively small cable force. More importantly, because the geometrical dome forming accuracy of this method is higher, the latter method is suggested for use during construction. The displacements of the joints in the upper reticulated shell of the suspended dome, the axial forces in the struts and the stresses in the members present, vary linearly with test load which indicates that the vertical stiffness of the overall structure is well maintained when conducting static tests on the model. The test CHS (circular hollow section) joints which were not internally strengthened, failed with a large amount of plastic deformation. However, the ultimate bearing capacity of CHS joints strengthened by inside gusset plates was obviously improved. Some key CHS joints are suggested for strengthening with inside gusset plates, during the construction process. The work of this paper provides a reference for similar structures.
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