Cybersecurity relies on Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) to detect and address threats. Although Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs) and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) are common sources for gathering IoCs, their reliability varies. In our study, we enhance the management of IoCs and OSINT by introducing a novel method that reliably assesses IoC’s threat severity and confidence scores, focusing on Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) for threat associations. Our approach, implemented on OpenCTI, significantly enhances IoC value, as it aggregates threat intelligence from diverse sources utilizing a STIX graph-based approach, which is a unique feature among TIPs. Additionally, our method employs heuristic analysis to optimize IoC scoring. It takes into account factors such as relevance, completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and consistency while emphasizing the confidence of the source. Notably, the proposed method has enhanced the precision of the confidence score, achieving a 25.18% reduction in the average difference of confidence scores compared to the benchmarked platform. The Emotet and Medusa case studies underscore the importance of source credibility in confidence scores, emphasizing our TIP’s precision in cybersecurity threat assessment and defense enhancement.
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