본 논문은 전자장비의 구조기인소음 (structure-borne noise)의 실험적 저감방안 검토에 대한 내용을 다루었다. 수냉식 전자장비의 유일한 소음원인 냉각장치를 목업(mock-up)으로 제작하여 소음 특성을 파악하였으며, 전원에 의한 영향, 구조체 강성에 의한 영향, 팬 고정부위의 절연에 의한 효과, 마운트의 공진주파수가 미치는 영향 등에 대한 검토를 수행하였다. 이를 반영하여 제작된 전자장비 프로토타입의 소음 특성을 파악하였으며, 구조기인소음을 저감시키기 위하여 작동회전수(rpm) 조합, 마운트 종류 및 설치방법 등에 대하여 검토하였다. 냉각팬 작동 주파수의 1차, 4차 성분에 의하여 소음이 크게 발생하며, 구조체 강성증가, 팬 고정부위 절연, 마운트 공진주파수 저하, 작동회전수조합, 마운트 선정방법 등에 의하여 전자장비의 구조소음을 저감시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다. In this paper, the structure-borne noise reduction on electrical equipment is discussed by the experimental analysis. The water cooling system in electrical equipment is the only noise source, so the mock-up was made to measure noise characteristics. Effects of power supply, stiffness, isolation of noise source and natural frequency determined by resilient mounts are investigated using the mock-up. The console prototype was made referring to noise reduction technique by the mock-up. The structure-borne noise level of a console prototype was measured and some experiments to reduce the noise was undertaken. The <TEX>$1^{st}$</TEX> and <TEX>$4^{th}$</TEX> harmonics of operating frequency of cooling fans causes highest structure-borne noise levels. The control of operating speeds of several DC cooling fan groups was tried. Also types and installation layouts of resilient mounts were investigated. To reduce structure-borne noise, followings can be applied: increase of stiffness, isolation of source, decrease of natural frequency of mount, combination of operating speed of fans, selection of mounts, and so on.
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