Few-body systems with access to multiple internal levels exhibit richness beyond that typically found in their single-level counterparts. One example is that of Efimov states in strongly-correlated spinor three-body systems. In [V. E. Colussi, C. H. Greene, and J. P. D'Incao, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 113}, 045302 (2014)] this problem was analyzed for spinor condensates finding a complex level structure as in an early work [Bulgac and Efimov, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 22, 153 (1976)] in nuclear physics, and the impact of Efimov physics on the general form of the scattering observables was worked out. In this paper we discuss the appearance of novel families of Efimov states in the spinor three-body problem.
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