Let f(k) (g(k), resp.) be the minimum positive integer such that every f(k)-strong semicomplete digraph (g(k)-strong tournament, resp.) contains a hamiltonian cycle avoiding any prescribed set of k arcs. Bang-Jensen et al. (2023) conjectured f(k)=k+2, which was inspired by the result g(k)=k+1 of Fraisse and Thomassen. Bang-Jensen and Jordán (2010) proved that every 3-strong semicomplete digraph contains a spanning 2-strong tournament. Guo (1997) proved that every (3k+1)-strong semicomplete digraph contains a spanning (k+1)-strong tournament. Combining with Fraisse and Thomassen’s result, Bang-Jensen, Havet and Yeo’s conjecture holds for k=1 and f(k)≤3k+1. In this paper, we improve the upper bound and prove f(k)≤2k+1 and the conjecture holds for k=2,3. In addition, we show that each (k+2)-strong semicomplete digraph has a hamiltonian cycle avoiding any k-arc set as long as each of its components has at most k−q2+2 vertices, where q is the number of components of the k-arc set.
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