ABSTRACT In the remote sensing community, HyperSpectral (HS) images (HSI) are becoming increasingly popular as the advancement of technology and the consequent reduction of cost make them financially more accessible. The reason for their success is the higher capability they can offer, with respect to multispectral data, to discriminate classes that are spectrally similar. A series of pre-processing steps such as geometric, radiometric and atmospheric corrections are carried out on raw data captured by HS sensors. The processed data is then passed to the data analyst, whose work generally relies on the assumption that the received HS data is ‘clean,’ as all possible corrections have already been implemented; however, corrections are hardly perfect and residual disturbances can still bias the quality of results. At this stage, however, all corrections based on ancillary information have already been made and the possibilities for ‘exogenous’ correction of data are exhausted. More could be possibly done by sourcing additional information from the data itself. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective additional step for error suppression through energy scaling, termed ‘Error Removal by Energy Scaling’ (ERES). In classification problems, the absolute value of wavelength is often overlooked, except for, e.g. removal of strong absorption bands; yet the value can actually further support the classification process if their physical meaning is tapped. The proposed ERES method is indeed a non-linear scaling method, derived from physical phenomena linked with radiation extinction properties. In ERES, each band is associated with an energy level, that is inversely related to its own wavelength. The associated nonlinear energy information in HSI, neglected in most classification strategies, prevents optimal separation of class-specific spectral signatures, that are generated by the physics of wave-matter interaction. This is especially true for linear classifiers such as Support Vector Machines (SVM). Removing this physics-linked information makes data more suitable to be classified with physics-unaware classification strategies, typically used in down stream remotely sensed data processing. The relevance of the issue, and the benefits of ERES, are discussed and validated in this work over three different datasets, using accuracy improvements on the popular Spectral Angle Mapper and SVM classifiers as a means to gauge the effectiveness of the correction strategy. Results clearly reveal the positive impact of applying ERES to the data before proceeding to classification.