Objective: This study examines the impact of work-family conflict on sleep duration by gender from a longitudinal perspective, differentiating between work-to-family (WTFC) and family-to-work conflict (FTWC) as well as time- vs. strain-based conflict. Background: In previous research, work-family conflict was found to be related to adverse health outcomes. Although sleep is crucial for overall health, relatively few studies have explored the relationship between sleep and work-family conflict, especially with regard to the direction and type of conflict and gender. In exploring these aspects, we apply the Conservation of Resources Theory and Stress Process Theory, in which the distinction between conflict direction and type, as well as gender, is essential. Method: Using the German Family Panel study “pairfam” and a sample of 3,719 respondents, we apply fixed effects regression models to estimate the effects of time- and strain-based WTFC and FTWC on sleep duration for men and women. Results: Our results show a negative impact of both WTFC and FTWC on sleep duration, which is consistent with previous findings. Overall, FTWC affects sleep duration more strongly than WTFC. Looking at the type of conflict, the results for WTFC and FTWC differ: for WTFC, the time-based conflict has a stronger effect on sleep duration; for FTWC, the strain-based conflict is more relevant. Gender differences emerge, with men reducing their sleep duration with increasing WTFC and FTWC, while women only with FTWC. For women, only strain-based FTWC decreases sleep duration; for men, mainly time-based WTFC does so. Conclusion: It seems that the interference of time-based work demands with family life reduces sleep duration primarily among men, whereas when family demands interfere with work it is the psychological strain of the resulting conflict that impacts sleep for women.
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