Pneumonia accounts for 15% of all deaths of children under 5 years of age, and causes death to 808,694 children in 2017. Based on the results of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007, shows that the national prevalence of URI: 25.5%, pneumonia morbidity in infants: 2.2%, underfives: 3%, 23.8% of infant mortality, and 15.5% under fives. The use of traditional medicine is a treatment that has been carried out from generation to generation and is part of the history of human culture. One of the natural ingredients that can be used as traditional medicine is pineapple (<i>Ananas comosus</i> (L)). Research on the effectiveness of pineapple extract has been conducted <i>Ananas comosus</i> (L.)) on the growth of <i>Streptococcus pneumonia</i>. This type of research is a pure laboratory experimental study in vitro. In this study, the inhibition and killing power of pineapple extract (<i>Ananas comosus</i> (L.)) against the growth of <i>Streptococcus pneumonia</i> at various concentrations of 0.5%; 1%; 2%; 4%; 8%; 10%; 20%; 30%; 40%; 50%; 60%; 70%; 80%; 90%; 100%. This research was conducted at the Lampung Province Health Laboratory Center which was carried out from June to November 2018. The results of the One-way Anova test analysis obtained a <i>p-value</i>=0,000 so that the <i>p-value</i><0.05, which means that The concentration of pineapple extract tested had an effect on the growth of bacteria <i>Streptococcus pneumococcus</i> and the results of the Least Significance Different (LSD) or Post hoc LSD (<i>p-value</i><0.05) showed that pineapple extract was effective in inhibiting and killing <i>Streptococcus pneumococcus</i> at a concentration of 8%.
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