It is shown that the distorted curve shapes of natural oscillations can be rigorously derived from the saturation characteristic of the oscillatory circuit by means of simple integrations. The natu-ral frequency is not constant as under linear conditions, but varies greatly with the amount of saturation. For forced oscillations, a concise dif-ferential equation is given covering all possible cases by only four parameters. The solution can be evaluated for any initial conditions by a straight-forward step-by-step construction. It shows graphically strange curve shapes of flux, current, and voltages, of no regularity with respect to periodic repetition or sym-metrical behavior during the transient state. In the steady state, a rigorous lineariza-tion of the differential equation allows considering the effect of saturation quan-titatively as a distortion of the impressed voltage. The final effect on magnitude and curve shape can be evaluated by repeated superposition of the residual dis-torting voltage. Intense higher har-monics are produced in this way. Consideration of the resistance voltage as actually present in the state of free oscillations shows that natural oscilla-tions can be sustained in true resonance by an impressed voltage of definite magni-tude and curve shape, requiring in series circuits a highly peaked voltage curve. Hence, the saturated circuit can respond to any constituent harmonic of this shape, leading to the forced development of sub-harmonics to the frequency of the supply voltage within certain ranges of its magni-tude. If the ohmic resistance is small a multitude of such subharmonics and all their higher harmonics may develop.
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