Certain strains of E. coli cause inflammation in the kidney and contribute to renal failure. Uhlén et al . identified α-hemolysin as a secreted factor produced by uropathogenic bacteria that induced calcium oscillations in cultured renal proximal tubule cells and renal epithelial cells. Inhibitors of L-type Ca 2+ channels or inhibitors of IP 3 receptors blocked the calcium oscillations. Application of α-hemolysin to renal epothelial cells led to an increase in the secretion of the inflammatory mediators interleukin-6 and interleukin-8. The authors suggest that during early phases of infection, kidney damage arises not by cytolysis, but by the stimulation of inflammatory cytokines by α-hemolysin. Uhlén, P., Laestadlus, Å., Jahnukainen, T., Söderblom, T., Bäckhed, F., Celsi, G., Brismar, H., Normark, S., Aperia, A., and Richter-Dahlfors, A. α-haemolysin of uropathogenic E. coli induces Ca 2+ oscillations in renal epithelial cells. Nature 405 : 694-697. [Online Journal]