Electrodeposited zinc layers help prevent the corrosion of steel surfaces. The microstructure, surface morphology, and texture of the electrodeposits are related to the deposition variables. Herein the surface morphology and microstructure are investigated as functions of the special electrodeposition variables, such as electrolyte composition, over-potential, current density, electrolyte temperature and pH. Upon heat treatment, the texture of the electrodepositd layers changes into a recrystallization texture. The texture of the as-electrodeposited and recrystallized zinc layers are studied. The //normal direction (ND) texture of the zinc electrodeposit can be obtained from zinc oxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium chloride, and sodium cyanide solution baths. The //ND texture of the zinc electrodeposit did not change even after recrystallization. This phenomenon of zinc eletrodeposits could be described by the strain-energy release maximization model.