We present a formulation of the problem of advection and diffusion of a passive tracer by an arbitrary, incompressible velocity field. A Wiener path integral is employed to prove that the problem is identical to the diffusive dynamics of a charged particle in electromagnetic fields constructed from the velocity field. The case of zero diffusion has characteristics that coincide with the integral curves of the velocity field. This case is, of course, structurally unstable, and the limit of small diffusion is correctly described by the Wenzel-Kramers-Brillouin limit of our path-integral principle, wherein the tracer dynamics equals the orbits of point charges in electromagnetic fields. To lowest order, diffusive effects are accounted for within a Hamiltonian framework, and the limit of zero diffusion emerges as an unstable submanifold embedded in a six-dimensional phase space. We illustrate these ideas by considering the simple case of tracer advection-diffusion in the flow field of a time-independent, straight vortex line. We also briefly discuss generalization of the path-integral principle for the case where tracer sources and/or sinks are included. When the velocity field obeys the Navier-Stokes equation, the associated electromagnetic fields satisfy the equations of magnetohydrodynamics for a fluid with resistivity that is equal to the viscosity of the (real) fluid.