Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF) is a VUV and soft X-ray diffraction-limited storage ring, which uses a modified hybrid multi-bend achromat (HMBA) lattice. In a HMBA lattice, many nonlinear effects are cancelled by the -I transformation between sextupoles. But for amplitude-dependent tune shifts (ADTS) and high-order chromaticities, generally they cannot be controlled well, which will limit the dynamic aperture and momentum aperture. To further improve the performance of the HALF lattice, linear parameters and nonlinear dynamics are optimized in this paper. First, linear lattice, ADTS and second-order chromaticity are simultaneously optimized with magnet strengths varied in large ranges to better explore good solutions. In this optimization, lattice solutions with both low emittances and relatively good nonlinear dynamics are efficiently obtained. Then, starting from the good solution region generated above, direct optimization of dynamic aperture and Touschek lifetime based on particle tracking is performed. After this second optimization, the lattices with larger DAs and longer lifetimes are obtained for HALF. This method can also be used for optimizing other HMBA lattices.
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