Building upon Vaughan Pratt's work on applications of Chu space theory to Stone duality, we develop a general theory of categorical dualities on the basis of Chu space theory and closure conditions, which encompasses a variety of dualities for topological spaces, convex spaces, closure spaces, and measurable spaces (some of which are new duality results on their own). It works as a general method to generate analogues of categorical dualities between frames (locales) and topological spaces beyond topology, e.g., for measurable spaces, convex spaces, and closure spaces. After establishing the Chu duality theory , we apply the state-observable duality between quantum lattices and closure spaces to coalgebraic representations of quantum symmetries, showing that the quantum symmetry groupoid fully embeds into a purely coalgebraic category, i.e., the category of Born coalgebras, which refines, through the quantum duality that follows from Chu duality theory, Samson Abramsky's fibred coalgebraic representations of quantum symmetries (which, in turn, builds upon his Chu representations of symmetries).