Despite the availability of electronic navigators and automated vehicles, static wayfinding instructions remain widely used due to their resistance to signal disturbances, as well as their economic and environmental advantages over electronic signs. To investigate the impact of static wayfinding on the network cost and flow distribution, this paper presents an efficient method for updating the incident matrix and extends the stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) framework to incorporate static wayfinding instructions by using the generalized nested logit (GNL) choice model to represent user behavior. The SUE principle relaxes the assumption that users possess perfect knowledge of traffic conditions and always choose the optimal link to minimize their costs. The GNL model improves generalization performance of the cross-nested logit (CNL) model while solving the overlap problem of the multinomial logit (MNL) model. The disaggregate simplicial decomposition (DSD) algorithm is applied to solve proposed user equilibrium by iteratively finding decent directions through an auxiliary solution and determining step size using different methods. The results indicate that the self-regulated averaging (SRA) method can solve the proposed model efficiently. Additionally, increasing travel time cost on guided links and even outer links can be potential influences caused by static wayfinding instructions. The study results can assist decision-makers in quantitatively assessing the value of placing static wayfinding instructions at certain locations and choosing effective layout information.
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