Recently membrane filters have gained in significance due to the need to provide protection against airborne pollution. A question of importance, and some controversy, is the efficiency of filters for small nanoparticles with diameters below 100nm as these are considered particularly dangerous due to possible penetration into the lungs. The efficiency is measured by the number of particles blocked by the pore structure after passing though the filter. To study the penetration into pores by nanoparticles suspended in a fluid, a stochastic transport theory based on an atomistic model is used to calculate particle density and flow within the pores, resulting pressure gradient, and filter efficiency. The importance of pore size relative to particle diameter and of the parameters of the pore wall interactions are investigated. The theory is applied to aerosols in fibrous filters and found to reproduce common trends in measurements. As particles enter the initially empty pores on relaxation to the steady state the small penetration measured at the onset of filtration increases faster in time the smaller the nanoparticle diameter. Control of pollution by filtration is achieved by strong repulsion of pore walls for particle diameters greater than twice the effective pore width. For smaller nanoparticles the steady-state efficiency decreases as the pore wall interactions weaken. Effective efficiency is increased when the suspended nanoparticles inside the pores combine into clusters of sizes greater than the filter channel width.
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