Fractional pantograph stochastic differential equations (FPSDEs) combine elements of fractional calculus, pantograph equations, and stochastic processes to model complex systems with memory effects, time delays, and random fluctuations. Ensuring the well-posedness of these equations is crucial as it guarantees meaningful, reliable, and applicable solutions across various disciplines. In differential equations, regularity refers to the smoothness of solution behavior. The averaging principle offers an approximation that balances complexity and simplicity. Our research contributes to establishing the well-posedness, regularity, and averaging principle of FPSDE solutions in Lp spaces with p≥2 under Caputo derivatives. The main ingredients in the proof include the use of Hölder, Burkholder–Davis–Gundy, Jensen, and Grönwall–Bellman inequalities, along with the interval translation approach. To understand the theoretical results, we provide numerical examples at the end.
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