The stochastic characteristic of lid-driven cavity flow under the condition of Re=100 is investigated in this paper by a non-intrusive polynomial chaos method. The lid-driven velocity and viscosity coefficient are assumed to be two independent stochastic input variables with Gaussian distributions. The velocities at every grid points are the response of interest and no longer deterministic but stochastic. Their stochastic characteristics are represented by Hermite polynomials with interaction effects between two input variables considered. The statistical results, including mean value, variance and the relative contribution of each input variable to the variance of outputs are analysed. It is found that the variance of velocity shows similar structures with its magnitude of mean value and the correlation coefficient is larger than 0.96. The nearly linear correlation coefficient shows that the lid-driven velocity is the main factor affecting the velocity distribution and the influence of viscosity coefficient on most regions is unimportant. The analysis of stochastic flow field helps understand the inherent mechanism in the lid-driven cavity flow.