In I896, H. J. Webber discovered a parasite of the citrus whitefly and described its sterile form under the name of Brown mealy-wing (2). It is now popularly known by the orange growers of Florida as the Brown fungus of the whitefly. The spread of this on whitefly larvae,(I) by means of superficial hyphae that spread over the surface of the leaves attacking every whitefly larva in their way, and (2) by means of spore-like aggregations of cells that may be carried in the air or by insects,-make this one of the most important parasites of the whitefly! This and the red (Aschersonia Aleyrodis) are being introduced by orange growers into many localities in Florida with the belief that they are the most economic means yet discovered of keeping the whitefly (Aleyrodis Citri) under control.
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