Obstetric haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide. A prospective observational study was conducted among 132 women admitted, booked/referred, at tertiary care centre with Obstetric Haemorrhage for 2 years period. Of these 71 patients had received Non-pneumatic antishock garment and / or Uterine Balloon Tamponade (Group 1) and 61 didn’t receive any (Group 2). Both groups were observed for its outcome. The socio-demographic parameters and obstetric characteristics among both groups were comparable. However, there were differences in their outcomes and complications. Surgical interventions were more among group 2 as compared to group 1, B-lynch/Modified B-lynch (8.4% vs. 1.6%), Stepwise devascularisation (2.8% vs. 1.6%) and Obstetric hysterectomy (7.0% vs. 3.2%). There was significantly more blood loss in Group 2 than group 1. Duration of hospital stay was significantly shorter (9.8±2.7 days) in Group 1 as compared to Group 2 (12.7±3.6). The shock index after intervention was significantly smaller (0.7±0.1) in Group 1 in comparison to Group 2 (0.8±0.1) and Group 1 required significantly less number of blood and blood products as compared to group 2. 19.7% required ICU admission in group 1 and 24.6% in Group 2. There was no mortality in group 1 and 3 patients died in group 2. NASG and UBT is both life-saving and cost effective and can become the first defence against Obstetric Haemorrhage.
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