Based on experiment, functional relationships are found that give, with considerable precision, the loading, the normal stress and the radius as a function of stem height. Using the functional relationship for the loading and for the normal stress, a theoretical expression for the radius distribution in the stem and for the volume of the stem is developed. By optimizing the total volume of the stem with respect to the stress parameter a and using the functional relationship for the loading, a theoretical (optimal) stress distribution and a theoretical (optimal) radius are found. These particular distributions lead to a minimumvolume stem. Experiments with plants having different load functions show that the actual values of the normal stress and radius agree with the theoretical (minimum-volume) predictions. INTRODUCTION Sequoia gigantea! Standing near this largest of all living things leads to astonishment and then to speculation, for some at least. An engineer might ask: Why does the stem grow in such a shape? How does the load affect the shape? These questions can be applied to all plants, and this paper attempts to answer them for some singlestemmed plants (Markwardt, 1930; Markwardt and Wilson, 1935). The following abbreviations are used throughout: A, area of cross section, ft2; C, constant of integration; E, Young's modulus in compression, lbf/ft2; F, total load of plant from the tip [L] to x, lbf; L, height of stem from datum, ft; k, number of stem segments; r, radius of stem, ft; x, height above datum, ft; V, volume of stem from the tip [L] to x, ft3; Vt, total volume of the stem, ft3; W, distributed load of plant, lbf/ft; Y, vertical displacement, ft; a, stress parameter, dimensionless; ,B, radius parameter, dimensionless; y, load parameter, dimensionless; A, difference operator; a, nominal normal stress, lbf/ft2. EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION S Plants of the type that have a single stem were examined to determine the loading, the normal stress and the radius as a function of stem height and, further, to see if some approximating functions could describe the measured values of these properties with precision. Using the definition o(x) F (x) L .JL W(x)dx (2.1) A (x) A (x) where a(x) = nominal normal stress, lbf/ft2 F (x) = total load of the plant from the tip [L] to x, lbf A(x) = 7r r2(x) = area of cross section of stem, ft2 x = height above datum, ft W (x) = distributed load of the plant, lbf/ft r(x) radius of stem, ft measurements on three types of plant were taken. 371 This content downloaded from on Thu, 11 Aug 2016 06:26:47 UTC All use subject to 372 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NAT URALIST 86(2) Figure 1 shows a typical plot of the three properties F (x), a(x) and r(x). In the figure, the point of maximum normal stress defines the separation between the root and the stem. This paper deals with the stem only. It was found that the three properties could be represented closely on this basis, by the functional relationships F(x) = F. (1x ) (2.2) u(X) = uo(1X a (2.3) and r(x) Xr (1 X I, (2.4) Specifically, each plant to be measured experimentally was cut off at the ground, and the total load of the plant and diam of the cut were measured and the nominal normal stress ul computed. Starting in the root-flare region, a series of small cuts were made, and with the ith cut the total load of the plant and the diam of the cut were measured, and the nominal nonnal stress ui computed. This process was continued until un = un+1, and the neighborhood of the maximum normal
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