In a previous Note [1], we suggested a quantum model of the unit interval [0,1], using convergent power series, parametrized by a variable q (a remarkable example is the quantum exponential, defined by Euler). In the present Note, we suggest a simpler model based on functions f=f(x): Z →k (with an arbitrary commutative ring k) which are constant when x↦+∞ or x↦−∞ and their “differentials” considered as functions x↦ f( x+1)− f( x) (difference calculus). Thanks to this new “ differential calculus over the integers”, we can associate to any simplicial set or topological space X a braided differential graded algebra D ∗(X) which is similar in spirit to the algebra W ∗(X) introduced in [1]. We notice that the p-homotopy type of X can be read from the braiding of D ∗(X) . In particular, if k= Z , we recover in a purely algebraic way the integral cohomology, Steenrod operations, homotopy groups from this braiding. To cite this article: M. Karoubi, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 335 (2002) 121–126.