In 2013, the Lviv National Agrarian University patented the construction of a steel-fiber concrete beam, additionally reinforced with an external steel ribbon armature with end anchors. This technical solution allows reducing the cost of the structure by reducing the complexity of its manufacture, due to the absence of a reinforcing frame in the structure. The purpose of this work is to develop proposals for a refined calculation method of deflections of steel-fiber concrete beams with tape reinforcement on the basis of our experimental studies. 3 beams with dimensions 1500x150x60 mm were manufactured. Beam B-1, reinforced with steel tape 1500x60x3 mm with end stops, did not contain fiber. Beams BF-2 and BF-3 in addition to the specified reinforcement contained fiber, corresponding the coefficient of fiber reinforcement by volume, ρfν = 1,5% i 2% respectively. Compressed prisms of 400x100x100 mm and stretched samples of 700x100x60 mm were also tested to determine the mechanical characteristics of concrete and steel-fiber concrete. Loose beams with a working run of 1400 mm were tested with concentrated force applied along the middle of the length. Mass production fiber produced both in Ukraine and abroad with bent ends HE 1050 1 mm in diameter and 50 mm in length was used for reinforcement. The percentage of fiber reinforcement by volume of concrete beams was taken ρfν = 1.5% and 2% to provide enough bearing capacity of the inclined sections. The cement of grade 400 (activity 42.3 MPa) of the Ivano-Frankivsk plant was used to obtain C20 /25 concrete. The test samples were made of fine-grained concrete containing sand from the Yasinets quarry with a fineness modulus of not more than 2.5. Mixtures for beams were made in a forced mixer. The composition of the mixture was chosen so that the settling of the cone did not exceed 4-6 cm and that the fiber did not settle to the bottom of the form. The composition of the mixture per 1 m3 of the mixture was as follows: cement - 549 kg, sand - 1647 kg, water - 285,5 l. The deflections of the steel-concrete beams were smaller than the steel-concrete beams at equal moments. For example, at the moment of 210 kN·cm the experimental deflection values of beams B-1, BF-2 and BF-3 were equal to 0.116; 0.081 and 0.064 cm, and at the moment 420 kN·cm - 0.380; 0.213 and 0.140 cm, respectively. In this paper, it is proposed to determine deflections using the Mora integral and taking into account the results of the calculation of beams by deformation method. The ratio of theoretical and experimental values of deflections was equal to 0.93 … 1.14.