The authors proposed a rotor impedance calculation procedure for articulated rotors in hovering and in forward flight, respectively, in Refs. 1 and 2. Sample calculations in these papers, however, used a rather simplified blade model, since the purpose was to show the essential characteristics of the rotor impedances. This paper conducts a more detailed numerical study of the rotor impedances for a typical articulated blade in practical use. The intent of this paper is to show that the detailed numerical analysis results in essentially the same characteristics as those obtained in Refs. 1 and 2 with a simplified blade model, and also that the effects of collective pitch on the impedances are not so significant in the practical articulated rotors. Contents I N the numerical calculations in Refs. 1 and 2, the chordwise center of gravity of the blade was assumed to be located on the elastic axis and that no elastic coupling existed between the flapwise bending, chordwise bending, and torsion. Moreover, when solving blade motion, a nonzero collective pitch, as well as a coning angle, were assumed in the generalized force calculations. Although this was done intentionally to estimate the effects of the steady thrust and the in-plane Coriolis force, it is inconsistent with the assumption of no elastic coupling. To remove these ambiguities, the exact mode shapes corresponding to each specific collective pitch setting are used with a consistent coning angle in the blade aeroelastic response calculations. The standard Holzer-Mykelstad method is used to conduct modal analysis. Major assumptions contained in the impedance analyses are: 1) The airloads are based on the linearized two-dimensional quasisteady theory and are integrated with the strip theory. 2) The effects of preceding and returning wakes are neglected. 3) The radial displacements of a blade are caused by the blade segments' flapping (around a steady coning) projected on a radial axis. 4) The blade spatial deformations are composed of / coupled natural modes (a total of /x3 modes), where / = 8 in this study. 5) The blade motions are represented in terms of the complex Fourier expansions of the generalized coordinates, and are truncated at the /zth harmonic, where h = 5 in this study. The H-34 helicopter rotor is selected as a sample. This is a four-bladed rotor having fully articulated rectangular blades of 28.0-ft radius and 1.366-ft chord. The spanwise characteristics are given in Ref. 3 in 18 spanwise segments.
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