When Hermann von Helmholtz invented the direct ophthalmoscope in 1850, he opened the door to a non-invasive visualization of human microcirculation in vivo at the retina (Figure 1). Only a few years later, on 4 September 1864, a young man presented a talk on ‘The blood vessels of the human eye’ at the Heidelberg Ophthalmology Congress—his namewas Theodor Leber, and today, he is regarded as one of the founders of ophthalmic research. Only relatively minor changes have been made subsequently to Leber’s original anatomical drawings of the ocular vasculature [1]. In 1904, W. M. Bayliss was the first to describe the myogenic constriction of arterioles when transmural pressure is elevated [2]. This so-called ‘Bayliss effect’ is a central mechanism of the autoregulation to maintain blood flow in an organ despite variations in perfusion pressure. The kidney is the classical organ in which autoregulation of blood flow with changes in perfusion pressure has been demonstrated [3,4]. The retina provides an opportunity for the in vivo investigation of a part of human circulation. It has been shown that blood flow in the human retina is autoregulated [5], and with modern technology, the retina offers the unique chance to measure the ‘Bayliss effect’ on a non-invasive basis in human retinal arterioles [6]. As it is generally accepted that the retinal vessels have no functioning autonomic innervation beyond the lamina cribrosa, this autoregulation occurs in response to changes in perfusion pressure or in response to metabolic stimuli. The mammalian retina has been found to possess an unusually high rate of glycolysis [7] and oxygen consumption [8], with this activity fuelling the active transport processes that maintain the ionic gradients necessary for visual transduction and electrical activity. As it is widely accepted that cerebral blood flow is spatially and temporally coupled to brain function and metabolism [9], the same neurovascular coupling was postulated for the retina [10]. Different measuring methods have been developed to quantify ocular perfusion. They have profoundly changed our understanding of the regulation and dysregulation of perfusion of the eye, and given new insights into the pathogenesis of ocular diseases. These findings were brought to the attention of ophthalmologists, and in clinical practice and research, use of these technologies was limited to the ophthalmic community. However, some devices have demonstrated their functionality in the hands of neurologists and diabetologists. The Dynamic Retinal Vessel Analyzer (DVA, Imedos, Jena, Germany) consists of a modified CCD camera fitted to a fundus camera (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany) (Figure 2) [11]. In ‘static vessel analysis’, a single fundus picture is used to measure arterial and venous vessel diameters around the optic nerve and calculate the central arterial equivalent, the central retinal venous equivalent and the arterial-to-venous diameter ratio (AVR) [12]. Large epidemiological studies showed evidence that these values are indicators for cardioand cerebrovascular events [13]. In ‘dynamic vessel analysis’, the instrument measures vessel diameter in relation to time and local position along a vessel in real time continuously 25 times per second. The examination of function and individual capacities of vessel segments along the vessel is based on the fact that the vessel diameters are the essential adjusting elements of autoregulation. As an additional stimulation test for vessel function, the DVA interrupts the green measuring light and generates a flicker light with a frequency of 12.5 Hz with a bright-to-dark ratio of 25:1. The diameter responses can be recorded, and the dilation of vessel diameter is used as a functional diagnostic parameter for the endotheliumderived vasodilation. Since autoregulation is a generic term for different local feedback control systems, superimposed on each other vessel behaviour ranges from dynamic vessel changes within seconds (flicker response) to minutes (metabolic response). Although a general outline of the circulation and its autoregulation is useful for haemodynamic purposes, special circulations exist to meet the functional needs of individual organs. In many diseases, the kidney and the eye are linked—only recently in this journal, an editorial comment reviewed the linkage between dense-deposit disease and retinal drusen [14]. In type 1 and type 2 diabetes, patients
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