With the use of a power integral formulation, a study is made of the vlf/elf radiation patterns of arbitrarily oriented electric and magnetic dipoles in a cold lossless multicomponent magnetoplasma. Expressions for the ray patterns are initially developed that apply for arbitrary values of driving frequency, static magnetic-field strength, plasma density, and composition. These expressions are subsequently specialized to vlf/elf radiation in a plasma modeled on the magnetosphere. A series of representative pattern plots are presented for frequencies between the proton and electron gyrofrequencies. These patterns illustrate the fact that focusing effects that arise from the geometrical properties of the refractive index surface tend to dominate the radiation distribution over the entire range from the electron gyrofrequency to 4.6 times the proton gyrofrequency. It is concluded that focusing effects should be of significant importance in the design of a vlf/elf satellite transmitting system in the magnetosphere.