In 1974, A.I. Morozov and L.S. Soloviev derived a general set of hydrodynamic equations for two-component ideal plasma under the stationary flow conditions, as applied to the plasma acceleration problems. Under the conditions of axial symmetry, the authors managed to reduce this very complex system to a more simple form by introducing three functions of the flux (the magnetic field flux, electron flux and ion flux). This situation is reminiscent of the one that develops when obtaining the Grad–Shafranov equation: the problem of static plasma equilibrium is reduced to solving one second-order equation for the magnetic field flux function. The rest condition for the two-component plasma is usually interpreted as the condition of vanishing the mass-average plasma velocity. This condition coincides with the condition of ion immobility up to a value of the order of the electron to ion mass ratio. In this work, the Morozov–Soloviev equations will be used for the first time to study the stationary plasma configurations in the toroidal magnetic trap with the D-shaped cross section. The geometric parameters of the trap correspond to those of the two currently operating tokamaks: the JET and the JT60U.
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