The article states that due to the fact that Ukraine is waging a hybrid war with the RussianFederation, the state is taking administrative and legal measures to restrict the rights of citizensto information in the interests of national security. Such a restriction must take place in a clearlydefined form and meet the requirements of national and international law, ie we can say that thereis an international legal mechanism for restricting human rights. It must, firstly, have a regulatorycomponent (norms of international and national law on the basis of which the mechanismoperates), and secondly, the organizational component (procedure, conditions and procedure forimplementation). The normative-legal component includes international normative-legal acts,which establish the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, including the procedure, groundsand conditions for their restriction. The organizational and legal component of the internationallegal mechanism for restricting human rights in the interests of national security consists of suchelements as: 1) material conditions (exceptional threat to the life of the nation; proportionality;principle of non-discrimination; inadmissibility state of emergency (martial law; respect for otherobligations under international law.); 2) procedural conditions (official declaration of state ofemergency; notification of the Secretary General of the United Nations or the Secretary Generalof the Council of Europe; parliamentary control). Derogation is defined as a situation in whicha law, ordinance, or decision is partially repealed.In acts relating to European Union law, the term "derogation" is used in cases where a Member State decides not to apply a special provisionof a particular agreement or law, in cases such as emergencies and force majeure. In Ukraine,these may include, in particular, special administrative and legal regimes. Derogations are mostpronounced in the introduction of special legal regimes that threaten national security, suchas state of emergency and martial law. It is then that deviations from international obligationsand restrictions on the right to information are most significant. It has been determined thatscholars-administrators speak about the emergence of "hybrid" or "mixed" administrative-legalregimes, which combine the features of special and other special administrative-legal regimes.The derogation in such "hybrid" or "mixed" administrative-legal regimes is partial and cannotbe used in full. In the period of "hybrid" administrative and legal regimes, derogations applyadditional administrative and legal measures in the information sphere, such as, for example,provided for in the Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions". It is concluded that the threat to the Ukrainiannation from the Russian Federation forced the leadership of our state to apply the internationallegal mechanism of restriction of human rights, including in the information sphere.