In the May number of THE ANNALS, Mr. Stiles P. Jones, secretary of the Voters League of Minneapolis, has made an attack upon methods and results of state regulation of public utilities in Wisconsin which puts state control in a very bad light. Because of the importance of the subject and the seriousness of the charges made by Mr. Jones, it appears that the facts with regard to the situation should be presented as fully as possible. One significant fact with regard to the statements made by Mr. Jones is that his information has been drawn, as he states, from the files of the Minnesota Home Rule League, an organization which came into existence to perform a single function, to defeat Governor Eberhart's plan for a state public utilities commission. secretary of the league, who was actively in charge of its task of gathering information in opposition to Governor Eberhart's program had been campaign manager for the governor's opponent during the previous campaign. Whatever may have been the merits of the controversy in which the Home Rule League engaged with the governor's supporters, it seems that the circumstances under which the league did its work and the purpose for which it disseminated information were hardly such as would be likely to lead to a fair, impartial analysis of the situation in Wisconsin and to the presentation of the unbiased truth with regard to the activities of the Wisconsin commission. As Mr. Jones states, The league first proceeded to comb Wisconsin, but there is evidence that the combing was not done to find the truth, but was done to find every situation which might conceivably be turned against the commission. Unfortunately for those who have expected to find in Mr. Jones' paper an accurate r6sum6 of Wisconsin conditions, many of the acts and opinions of the Wisconsin commission have undergone marvel-
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