Annealing, quenching, natural and artificial aging at 100 and 200°С during 15 and 30 minutes of Al-Cu-Mg alloy D16 (AA2024) are provided. Chemical composition of solid solution is found using scanning electron microscopy and micro-X-ray-spectral analysis. Based on results of chemical analysis the calculation of average interatomic distance changing in the solid solution is found, which shows the value of crystal lattice distortion. Also crystal lattice distortion and residual stresses in the solid solution are studied using X-ray analysis. It was found, annealed state and artificial aging at 200°С during 30 minutes lead to similar content of alloying elements in the solid solution, mass percentage of Cu 15…16 times and Mg 4…5 times higher than should be in the solid solution at equilibrium state in accordance with state diagram. Exposition of 15 minutes for artificial aging at temperature of 100 and 200°С does not lead to significant difference in the level of residual stresses calculated and measured. High level of residual stress in the solid solution of alloy D16 at quenched state and after short exposition before 30 minutes allows receiving the high strength, but may give less exfoliation corrosion resistance in water-salt environment.