Let K be a commutative field, \({A\subseteq K}\) be a Dedekind ring and V be a K-vector space. For any pair of A-lattices R ≠ 0 and S of V, we define an A-submodule \({\left[R : S\right]^{\prime}_{A}}\) of K, their A-index-module. Once the basic properties of these modules are stated, we show that this notion can be used to recover more usual ones: the group-index, the relative invariant, the Fitting ideal of R/S when \({S\subseteq R}\), and the generalized index of Sinnott. As an example, we consider the following situation. Let F/k be a finite abelian extension of global function fields, with Galois group G, and degree g. Let ∞ be a place of k which splits completely in F/k. Let \({{\mathcal O}_{F}}\) be the ring of functions of F, which are regular outside the places of F sitting over ∞. Then one may use Stark units to define a subgroup \({\mathcal E_F}\) of \({{\mathcal O}_{F}^{\times}}\), the group of units of \({\mathcal O_F}\). We use the notion of index-module to prove that for every nontrivial irreducible rational character ψ of G, the ψ-part of \({\mathbb Z\left[g^{-1}\right]\otimes_\mathbb Z\left(\mathcal O_F^\times/\mathcal E_F\right)}\) and the ψ-part of \({\mathbb Z\left[g^{-1}\right]\otimes_\mathbb ZCl(\mathcal O_F)}\) have the same order.